Pre-conference Workshop Themes

Pre-conference Workshop Themes


Preconference Workshop 1

Organizer: Dr. T.J. Ó Ceallaigh, Associate Professor at the School of Education, University College Cork, Ireland.

His research examines teacher education, development and leadership, with particular reference to language immersion and bilingual contexts. His research interests also include transformative digital pedagogies and learning design. T.J. represents the Association for Teacher Educators in Europe (ATEE) on the European Commission Working Group on Digital Education: Learning, Teaching and Assessment (DELTA). He is also an elected member of the ATEE Administrative Council and is co-chair of the ATEE Teacher Education and Digital Technology Research and Development community.

Date and Time: 27.08.2023, 9:30-12:30pm

Topic: Hybrid pedagogies: Reconceptualising the learning experience and rethinking student engagement in teacher education

Short description: The role of the teacher educator (TE) is critical in designing, navigating and nurturing purposeful and engaging virtual learning spaces for students. Scholars argue that quality online learning experiences require TEs to reconfigure their face-to-face (F2F) pedagogies for the online environment. However, designing and facilitating learning through an inclusive instructional approach that combines F2F and online learning (synchronous or asynchronous or both) is a complex and multifaceted enterprise. Such an approach calls for enhanced excellence in the quality of teaching, learning and assessment in a digital era with a focus on digital pedagogies. Drawing on relevant research, design frameworks and guidelines, this workshop will explore high-quality, inclusive digital education from a number of perspectives and enable participants to:

    • Identify key enablers for successful digital transformation
    • Analyse various digital pedagogies in the context of a multi-modal learning
    • environment
    • Craft, share and critique hybrid pedagogies
    • Engage in reflection and critical thinking for professional growth.

Suggested mode of presentation- Hybrid

Target audience: Teacher educators from all disciplines, sectors and contexts

Activity: professional dialogue, collaboration, groupwork, reflection


Preconference Workshop 2

Organizer: Dr Sándor Lénárd, Associate Professor, Institute of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology

Date and Time: 27.08.2023, 9:30-12:30pm

Topic:  The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations and their Potential in Supporting Initial Teacher Education

Short description: Networking is a key tool to engage stakeholders and support professional development to improve the quality of teacher education.  We believe that NGOs are key players in this work. During the workshop, participants will engage in a dialogue on the opportunities and challenges of professional networking in support of university teacher education, networking between different institutions, and the professional development of teacher educators. The workshop will provide an opportunity to present initiatives of different partners, NGOs, teachers, teacher educators, and students’ professional networks and projects. It is open to all those interested in knowledge sharing. The workshop will also provide an opportunity for networking between professional networks.

Preconference Workshop 3

Organizer: Dr. Zoltán RÓNAY, Associate professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Institute of Education, Founder Head of the Research Group for Education-Law-Pedagogy
Date and Time: 27.08.2023, 13:00-16:00pm

Topic: Teacher Education and Law

Short description: Our planned workshop approaches teacher education and law meeting points from two perspectives. First, policies and legislation have a broad impact on teacher education. Policymakers reflect on the current challenges and reshape the frameworks of teacher education. Policymakers should have to consult the planned strategies with teacher educators and researchers and vice versa, and they should have the opportunity to give feedback to policymakers. On the other hand, our daily life is determined by the law. In and out of classrooms, teachers’, students’, and their families’ all activities are going on within legally regulated frameworks. Teachers should know not only these legal norms but also formulate their students’ attitudes toward them, including the critical reading and interpretation of legal rules. With the aim of this workshop, we want to give the floor to exchange experiences, research findings, good practices, etc.

Target audience: Researchers, teacher educators, and teacher developers


Preconference Workshop 4

Organizers: Manuela Schlick & Ron Smet (RDC Empowering Teacher Education, ATEE)

Date and Time: 27.08.2023, 13:00-16:00pm

Topic: "From professional responsibility to meaning: Why we are teacher educators”

Short description: What brought us into teacher education, what inspires us, and what allows us to sail through obstacles and challenges? This workshop wants to provide a space to explore and rekindle our motifs for becoming and being teacher educators, and to share experiences and stories. The workshop is part of a research project in which we explore the motifs and values of teacher educators within ATEE and beyond. Becoming aware of one’s values has great potential to foster the experience of meaning in our daily work. And there is much meaning to have in (teacher) education! What is yours?

Target audience: everyone who is active in teacher education


Important Dates 

Call for papers: 2nd January 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th March 2023

Abstracts submitted will be evaluated until the 15th of April 2023

Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 25th April 2023

Registration Opening: 10th January, 2023

Early Bird Deadline: 15th June 2023

Registration Closing: 28th July 2023

Registration CLOSED

Conference Dates: 28-30th August 2023