Publication opportunities

Publication opportunities

Publication opportunities

Book of abstracts

  • The Organizing Committee will send a letter of acceptance/rejection after 15 April 2023.
    * Accepted abstracts from registered participants will be published electronically in the Book of Abstracts e-book with ISBN number.


Book of proceedings

  • After you have presented a paper at our annual conference, we encourage you to submit a full paper based on your presentation for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Papers will be evaluated through a blind peer review process. The deadline for paper submission is 30 October.

    *Selected papers based on blinded peer review will be published in the conference proceedings with an ISBN number and DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to increase citability and visibility for readers.

    *The organisers are also applying to index the conference proceedings e-book in the Web of Science database.



Important Dates 

Call for papers: 2nd January 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th March 2023

Abstracts submitted will be evaluated until the 15th of April 2023

Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 25th April 2023

Registration Opening: 10th January, 2023

Early Bird Deadline: 15th June 2023

Registration Closing: 28th July 2023

Registration CLOSED

Conference Dates: 28-30th August 2023